Is Your Business Ready To Attract Clients?

If you did not immediately answer yes, you are not alone. Throughout my coaching career, I have noticed that women entrepreneurs often do not feel ready to make their businesses public. There is always something else that they feel they need in place before they are ready to go public and book clients to make more money. People won’t buy your stuff if they don’t know who you are.

The bottom line is that being visible and generating capital for your business is a winning choice. It allows you to create money fast, delegate tasks to others and build momentum. The fastest way to generate capital? To acquire clients.

You really do not need a fancy website, a professional photoshoot or a graphic designer to start with. You need yourself, the right sales mastery training and the ambition to go to events and offer your service to prospective clients. When I was starting out, I gave a 20 minute presentation to 10 people at an event. I offered a prospective client call at the end of my speech, six people booked a call with me and four of those people purchased a coaching package. This did not require a website or some great photos; just myself and a phone. How can you get yourself to the same place?

  1. Acknowledge that it is easy to make money and book clients when you get the right training and coaching. Let go of any beliefs that you are not ready, or that you need to finish some smaller tasks before people will work with you.
  2. Work out your financials. When you are paid, how much will you pay yourself and how much will you reinvest into your business? When you have made $3,000 in revenue, is it time to invest in more trainings to further your success? Plan out what investments you will make when.
  3. Set up your delegation checklist. Whether you already have team members or you are working on your own, start to make notes about tasks in either your personal or professional life that you could delegate. Note down what the task is, when it needs to be done, who else could do it and the date that you wish to have delegated it by. For example, you may want a chef, or a mentor.
  4. Reserve time in your calendar. Next, work out what time you will dedicate to client calls and reserve that time in your calendar. It is ok if you do not have any calls booked yet. The number of clients that you have is directly related to the number of calls and meetings that you conduct, so this time is vital. Hold an energetic space for your intention of working with clients. It will also reveal how many calls you can physically do each week before you need to bring in help.
  5. Visualize your calendar being full. Sit in a quiet place, and calmly visualize your dream client. Give them a name. See their name and number in your calendar. Let yourself imagine how you would feel – excited? Anticipation? Envision holding the call with them, talking them through their goals and how you can help. Envision the outcome from the call that you most desire. Are they excited to work with you? Do they pay you immediately? Imagine this over and over until your calendar is full.

Now believe that you are ready, and make an effort to start filling those client call slots! Reach out to past connections, use social media, use email and phone calls. Do everything you can to reach prospective clients and encourage them to work with you. Everything else can wait. And if you are serious about mastering your sales conversations and increasing your confidence as you increase your bottom line, check out this VERY limited time offer to get 12 full weeks of training and coaching with me!